"I was first introduced to Circle of Life ten years ago. I found it to be an intriguing and comprehensive approach to coaching and support for making profound lifestyle changes. At the University of Minnesota Center for Spirituality and Healing, we are using this model for an Internet-based personal health and wellness tool that will be available to students, faculty and staff throughout the University and beyond. The pioneering work of Rebecca McLean and Dr. Roger Jahnke is deeply impacting individuals and communities throughout the country."
- Mary Jo Kreitzer PhD, RN, Director of Center for Spirituality and Healing, University of Minnesota
"I personally used the Circle of Life Blueprint for Success Tools to move from breakdown to breakthrough! When I found myself spiraling downward with weight gain and depression resulting from a job loss, and divorce I managed to use the Circle of Life tools to accomplish what I needed. Now I “walk the talk” as a workshop health and wellness coach, public inspirational speaker and leader of change. I now successfully coach hundreds of people who are meeting their weight loss, health and life goals. I am stronger and even more a believer than ever... that The Circle of Life Coaching process really works to create and sustain positive changes and transformation."
- Elizabeth Nelson, MA, Certified Circle of Life Coach, Certified NASM Personal Trainer, Florida
"The steel plant manager who hired me to do the Circle of Life Wellness Coaching with his employees commented that previously they had brought in a man for $7000 to try to bring up morale, etc. which he didn’t think was very helpful. He compares what we’ve been doing with Circle of Life group coaching and he stated that the changes he is seeing in his team “borders on phenomenal” (his exact words) for less than 1/2 the price!"
- Beverly Swanson, MFCC, Certified Circle of Life Coach, Canada

"I was newly divorced, bankrupt - with breast cancer. I not only have been cancer free for 9 years, I have fulfilled many life dreams. I published a book, and am now a national speaker. The Circle group was a catalyst and support for total life transformation."
- Beverly Kirkhart, author of My Healing Companion, National Spokesperson for Chicken Soup for the Cancer Soul, and Director of the Breast Resource Center, Santa Barbara, California
"Following Dr. Jahnke's presentation at our Riverside Health Care System Wellness Conference in 1988, we were inspired to engage Health Action to assist with our health promotion and wellness program planning. As a component of the consulting service that we received at that time, the Circle of Life Coach Training was a highlight. We trained 50-60 of our team leaders, support group leaders, nurses, department heads and a number of representatives of key social service agencies in our community. It was a dynamic program that received very positive evaluations by the participants."
- Caroline Martin, RN, MHA, CEO/President Riverside Regional Medical Center Riverside Health System, Newport News, Virginia
"I use Circle of Life with our hospital employee Lifestyle Balance program that utilizes the Diabetes Prevention Program Resource Core and the Circle of Life Participant Guidebooks to help employees with metabolic syndrome or diabetes, make lifestyle changes. Our goal is to help our participants lose 7% of their body weight and reduce at least one other risk factor of metabolic syndrome. Weight loss is usually only the surface issue; and lifestyle changes are much tougher to sustain to prevent the consequences of metabolic syndrome or diabetes. The Circle of Life is extremely helpful in helping our participants feel empowered to make changes and sustain them overtime. They also have confidence and skills to keep them going on their new path well after our program is completed.
The 12 Aspects of the Circle of Life help our group participants connect to other lifestyle changes that may affect their health and well-being. The use of mind/body self-care practices also provide powerful support for those that are used to being caregivers. Nurses know how what information to teach but the Circle of Life coaching program provides us the resources and tools to help our patients and clients feel empowered to make changes.
I highly recommend the Circle of Life program to all nurses who work with patients and clients in any education or prevention programs."
- Leslie Thompson, BSN, RN, CCRN Performance Coach / Full Engagement Training, San Juan Regional Medical Center, New Mexico

"Previous to my work with The Circle of Life I counseled countless victims of abuse and trauma. The single greatest challenge was helping them identify goals and resources because they were convinced that they had little power to change their lives. I have witnessed wellness group members make monumental changes in their lives that they had previously thought impossible, because of the fail-safe system, small steps, and accountability. I wish I had this twenty years ago!"
- Lois Annich, Wellness Coordinator, Lutheran Chaplaincy Service, Cleveland, Ohio
"We are all looking for transformation. The Circle of Life shows us the way. One step, one goal, one action step at a time."
- Jim Kulma, Director of Spiritual Care, Cleveland Clinic Health System, Ohio
"The Circle of Life as an assessment tool has been invaluable for me as a Health Coach in working with my clients. I use it to help both of us identify what components of life are calling for more attention and to prioritize their goals. While I have seen many versions of this tool in other trainings, I believe The Circle of Life approach allows for a true experience of self- discovery; for both the client and the facilitator. "
- Debra R. Harris, RN, BSN, Health Coach, Harris2 Consulting
"I learned how important accountability to ourselves is in being responsible for our own behaviors."
- Judy Sobieski, RN, Parish Nurse Coordinator, Breckinridge Senior Independence, Ohio

"Our Wellness Support Group has utilized the Circle of Life successfully for several years at our National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Wellness Resource Center, the first of its kind in the nation. The Circle process is also used by our Peer support groups throughout three counties. Rather than focus on the disease our focus is on wellness and the quality of life of each person, mind, body, and spirit."
- Joan Young, President of the Channel Islands Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Santa Barbara, California
"We achieve radical victories through small steps. We are healthier people in areas we choose, so this is really personal empowerment that is self-directed in a community context. This is a peer process where regular people hold regular people accountable for their dreams . . . the Circle is a synthesis of timeless global wisdom made accessible in a world noisy with self-help approaches."
- Ralph Pitman, Episcopal Priest, Participant in and Facilitator of The Circle of Life, Cleveland, Ohio
"There has been so little that medical care has to offer people who suffer with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia, that is why the Circle of Life support group was such a blessing. Through using the resources of our group's knowledge, books, speakers, and tapes, within a few weeks we had a wealth of information that would have taken a year for one person to research. This saved us all exhausting labor and frustration. We found great support in being with each other and learned how to take action steps that led to better health."
- Tom Ducane, Participant in The Circle of Life, Illinois
"Our social services, health education, nursing, OT and PT
staff were trained to be Circle of Life Facilitators. It
was a tremendous experience for all involved. Since 1998 we utilize
the Circle process in our 10-week " Medical Symptom
Reduction Program", which is a great success. We have woven
it in to all of our support group activities for patients and use
it as a component of our staff wellness program. The Circle
is also being used in our community outreach programming."
- Rosemarie Johnson, Director of Health Improvement, St. Charles
Hospital, Bend, Oregon
"The Circle of Life process, is a teachable and reproducible
process that has been used successfully to improve outcomes such
as patient's self-efficacy. This methodology is not just health
education or an action to improve patient compliance, but also offers
cornerstone group dynamic processes which have been documented to
reduce mortality, prevent and reduce disease and improve health
outcomes. It can teach patients not only about their disease processes,
but also about stress reduction, self-care, self responsibility
and accountability, and implementation of more healthful life styles.
I recommend this wonderful health education tool for any organization
where patient, employee or client health improvement outcome is
a key goal."
- Allison Mayer-Oakes, MD, MSPH, FACP, former UCLA Assistant
Professor of Medicine,Current Medical Director, The Longevity Medical
Center of Santa Barbara, California
"The Circle of Life process, which tailors every training
to employee's individual needs. We have made the Circle of Life
training available for the whole hospital staff over the years.
This program teaches a process that is very practical for home and
- Linda Hoover, RN, Human Resources Training, Cottage Hospital,
Santa Barbara, California
"I can highly recommend the supreme quality of the Circle
of Life based upon the many trainings provided at our hospital for
nurses, administration, and the general public. The Circle process
inspires and catalyze breakthrough and change using the highly effective Circle of Life model. This process keeps people motivated
and moving forward to attain the health and life goals."
- Kathy Morgan, Head of Nursing Education, Goleta Valley Hospital,
Goleta, California
"I have found that when behavioral and personal empowerment
programming of the Circle of Life are combined with our clinical
protocols, our patients have greater, faster and more long lasting
results. Patient feedback has been excellent!"
- Walt Lewis, MD, Santa Barbara Medical Foundation Clinic, Santa
Barbara, California
"This mind, body, spirit approach to health has been a really
healing medicine to my patients. They often make significant lifestyle
changes because of the step by step Circle of Life method.
Frequently, they have been very expressive of their appreciation
that I have referred them to this health and life coaching."
- Richard Danson, MD, Internal Medicine, Santa Barbara, California

Support Groups
Cancer Support
"The Circle of Life always kept us in a process that focused
on strengths, inner wisdom and positive actions to change our lives
for the highest outcomes. The point was always on moving in a positive
direction and toward solutions, rather than being a victim or lost
in our cancer diagnosis and pathology."
-L. Shaffer
"Every week we began our meetings
with self-healing methods such as deep breathing, healing visualizations
and relaxation. I used these techniques everyday for coping with
stress and these methods really helped me know how to make myself
feel better emotionally and physically."
-M. McKinley
"The process of self inquiry in the Circle of Life really
helped me to tune-into where my body and emotions were being drained.
We learned how to "seal the energy leaks" in our lives.
In such a safe and supported environment we all encouraged each
other to make the changes we needed to be happier and healthier."
-A. Atwater
HIV & AIDS Support
"In the other HIV support groups it seemed like all we talked
about was medication and how hopelessly horrible it was to be a
victim of this disease, in the Circle of Life group we focused on
and celebrated victories and how to access our inner strengths.
We learned about self care and how to do our part in the healing
process. We learned how to eat healthily, resolve painful issues
and connect to our Spirit. I am eternally grateful."
-Eric Limm, Santa Barbara, California
"Being in the Circle of Life support group not only improved
my health and eliminated my need to run to the doctor every two
minutes, but it changed my whole view of life and myself in general.
Being with the other group members and staying focused on healing
our lives created a powerful group energy that left all of us feeling
uplifted. Remarkably, the members of our group lived longer and
had higher qualities lives."
-C. Manz
MS & Diabetes Support
"I really found that focusing on methods and skills to gain
or regain my health made me feel empowered, which greatly reduced
my stress. In MS stress has a very negative effect on one's physical
balance and motor abilities. The Circle of Life clarified what skills
we wanted and how to access the resources from the community."
-P. Strauss
"I am a diabetic and in the Circle of Life wellness group
I discovered that I wasn't enjoying my life very much. So my homework
was to start having fun! It seems like that wouldn't be important
to one's health-but I found having permission to have fun and have
a daily dose of pleasure positively affected my physical and emotional
-K. Lewis
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Support
"The Circle of Life group gave me encouragement and practical
support to make the changes we needed to get well and stay well.
Sometimes that meant changing our work or letting go of negative
relationships, or learning how to manage our energy output. We learned
how to create and sustain positive change in the areas of our life
that needed support."
-S. Burrus
"I have taught Health 101 at Southwestern College and have
witnessed some amazing transformation in short periods of time such
as, one lady her abusive boyfriend, another became a living mother
before her daughter would be taken away from her, several students
with gambling problems sought help, people repaired relationships
-Anna Solis, MPH, San Diego, California

Business, Corporations
and Government
"The Circle of Life was used to assess what is "in
or out of balance " in our work and personal lives. We use
the Circle process to clarify direction, clear barriers,
and create step by step action and accountability plans. We have
implemented it as part of our continuous improvement (CQI) process,
with ongoing success."
- Louise Ward, Resource Management Department, County of Santa
" For five years at all our branches we have utilized the
practical Circle of Life methods, for reducing stress and maintaining
good health, and for a the attainment of work and personal goals."
- Joyce Spezman Margolin, Vice President Santa Barbara Bank and
Trust, Santa Barbara, California
"I highly recommend any training using the Circle of Life
program for peak performance, wellness and stress mastery. This
program is truly top-rated and energizing for teams and individuals.
It was the end of a long day and our employees wanted more!"
- Chris Byrne, Assistant Vice President Operations, Dean Witter
Inc, Santa Barbara, California
Education and Government
"The Circle of Life, a series was presented for
teachers and elementary school children throughout our county school
district. To say that the staff was extremely pleased is an understatement!
The teachers rated the program as excellent! "
- Robert Pierce, Principal of Ellwood School, Santa Barbara,
"Life Changing! Breakthrough experience! Fun! Inspiring! We
learned life long tools for living a balanced, joyful and healthful
life! These are only a few of the glowing evaluations we received
from our annual state wide conference. The Circle of Life leaves
participants with inspiring revelations as well as practical skills
for how keep their lives moving in a positive direction."
- Mary Bingle, California Association of Educational Office Professionals
"Rebecca McLean presented a comprehensive mind/body, stress
mastery and life enhancement program called The Circle of Life,
for our professors, graduate students, and department heads. The
feedback was outstanding! The self- inquiry, goal, barrier, affirmation,
action and accountability method is now being used by many of the
participants in their work and personal lives."
- Daniel Levine, PhD, Santa Monica College, Santa Monica, California
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