Why Is Coaching Suddenly So Popular?

Coaching in all of its forms – Life Coaching, Health and Wellness Coaching, Mind-Body Coaching, Wealth Coaching, Executive Coaching and others – is a much lower cost process than therapy an even cheaper than managing acute disease episodes or chronic disease intervention and management. This largely because coaching is not medical or therapeutic focusing on what is wrong with expensive interventions. Coaching is practical living which draws upon a very logical, practical, accessible and easy process for maximizing individual efficiency in the common areas of life.

In addition, coaching can be dome in groups which further lowers the cost per person. While it is less effective, it also possible to do coaching – both one-one and group – telephonically for further cost efficiency.

Mostly, it is because coaching is empowering and fun. Coaching can be designed into any wellness program as a central component or as a special add on.This popularity is widespread. Coaching is being used in hospitals, schools, social service agencies, faith institutions, military, first responders, spa/fitness.


Life, Health, and Wellness Coaching
Coach Training and Certification
What is Coaching?
What is Life Coaching?
What is Health Coaching?
What is Wellness Coaching?
What is Mind-Body Coaching?
Why Coaching Is Suddenly So Popular?
The Cost Effectiveness of Coaching
The Most Effective Coaching
How to Find a Coach

What Kind of Coach Shall I Become?
Why Become A Coach?
Coach Training and Certification
Coaching Calendar
Coaching Curriculum




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