We provide:
- Coach Trainings for Corporations, Agencies, Institutions and Universities
- Health and Wellness Workshops and Retreats
- Coaching and Referrals to Our Certified Coaches
- Licensing of the Circle of Life Coach Programs, Materials and Coaching Guidebooks
Just a Few of the Many Reasons to Choose
Circle of Life Coach Programs and Training

- Health Action and Circle of Life Health and Wellness Coaching have been at the forefront of the wellness movement for over 20 years. Our certified health and wellness coach training graduates are working in every venue – hospitals, corporations, EAP’s, specialty clinics and wellness franchises, schools and universities, integrative medicine programs, faith based health ministries, social service agencies, fitness centers, YMCAs and the military.
"Our social services, health education, nursing, OT and PT staff were trained to be Circle of Life health Coaches. Since 1998 we utilize the Circle of Life process in our 10-week “Medical Symptom Reduction Program”, which is a great success. Our biggest contract was with an insurance company who ran a pilot for 2 years and found their members who completed this program decreased their utilization of healthcare benefits by 57%. So other insurance’s followed their decision to cover. We have woven it in to all of our support group activities for patients and use it as a component of our staff wellness program, and is also being used in our community outreach programming."
Dr. Michael Harris, Medical Director, St. Charles Medical Center, Bend, Oregon
Click here for more Testimonials

- The ONLY Comprehensive Participant Coaching Guidebook in Wellness Coaching today! People LOVE having their own guidebooks to support their success. The Circle of Life provides coaching clients with a comprehensive tool kit that includes "How-To" set and attain goals with its step-by-step Goal, Action, Support and Accountability Process as well as numerous resources, assessments, and processes to facilitate successful change and lifelong, continuous improvement with the Blueprint for Success Coaching Process and Worksheet, Readiness for Change Assessments, and step-by-step outlines for coaching individuals and groups and leading Wellness Workshops and Retreats.
- The ONLY Coach Training that includes medically researched 1 - 5 minute Mind-Body MAX™ Self Care practices that are proven to reduce stress, increase health, productivity and enhance well-being. Clients and coaches RAVE about how these practices give them access to their untapped powers to be healthy and successful!
- No Need to Re-Invent the Wheel! - We have invented it and refined it. You can rest assured we train coaches in a very effective, easy to learn, highly respected and completely comprehensive Wellness Coaching program.

- This key is the Circle of Life Coaching System -- a highly refined, step-by-step, comprehensive lifestyle design process that is easy to learn to use and can be adapted for any population -- education, health care, social service, corporate, fitness, military and more.
"For many years I've worked as a health coach for a hospital with 12,000 employees. Since being trained in the Circle of Life, I now prefer to exclusively facilitate wellness groups using the Circle of Life coaching model. It is powerful, highly effective, cost efficient, people love it and I love using the system.”
Elaine Gaither, RN Circle of Life Coach, Indiana
- ADD VALUE and Tie it All Together! Adding the Circle of Life Wellness Coaching creates the perfect "added value," complement and delivery to any your current programs and services.
Why Wellness Coaching? Why Circle of Life? Why Now?
We are in an historic era for health care and medicine — and in the empowerment of people to take greater ownership of their health, life and destiny. Medical research demonstrates that the most dangerous diseases are preventable through very reasonable lifestyle changes. Social science research shows that setting goals and receiving even minimal support radically increases the chances for an individual's successes in life.
Doctors, insurance companies, Congress, even the President cannot legislate this powerful change — but people can. People informed and inspired with coaching and support can become the change that this country needs.
THE BUZZ – wellness, coaching, prevention, mindfulness, self-care, mind-body practice, productivity enhancement, chronic disease self-managed care, integrative medicine, holistic lifestyle, stress mastery. These are the keywords in the emerging health care environment.
- The Circle of Life Health and Wellness Coaching System is carefully designed for rapid training and turn around. It is one of the most respected health and wellness coaching systems with 30 hours of training plus comprehensive follow-up.
- GENEROUS and Specifically Designed Support for your organization -- well beyond the training.
The Circle of Life Health and Wellness Group Coaching System™ is successfully implemented in:
- Corporations and businesses
- Community service agencies
- Hospitals
- Clinics
- EAPs
- Medical practice groups
- Integrative medicine programs
- Cancer centers
- Schools and universities
- Wellness and health promotion programs
- Social agencies
- Churches and temples
- Senior programs
- Justice department programs
- Military
- YMCA and fitness centers
- Conferences/retreats for numerous professions
- Spas and retreat centers
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Circle of Life Success Stories
Linda Crockett
Samaritan Counseling Center
"The Circle of Life process, is a teachable and reproducible process that has been used successfully to improve outcomes such as patient's self-efficacy. This methodology is not just health education or an action to improve patient compliance, but also offers cornerstone group dynamic processes which have been documented to reduce mortality, prevent and reduce disease and improve health outcomes.
It can teach people not only about their disease processes, but also about stress reduction, self-care, self responsibility and accountability, and implementation of more healthful life styles. I recommend this wonderful health education tool for any organization where employee or client health improvement outcome is a key goal."
Allison Mayer-Oakes, MD, MSPH, FACP, former UCLA Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Director, The Longevity Medical Center of Santa Barbara, California
" I have found that when behavioral and personal empowerment programming of the Circle of Life health coaching are combined with our clinical protocols, our patients have greater, faster and more long lasting results. Patient feedback has been excellent!"
Walt Lewis, MD, Santa Barbara Medical Foundation Clinic, Santa Barbara, California
What Participants Are Saying

“For 12 years I failed at my attempts to lose 40 lbs and lower my high risk for diabetes, but my concern for my kids motivated me to try one more thing. Our hospital provided Circle of Life Wellness Coaching. By focusing on my strengths and using a positive, whole person approach, I lost 40 lbs in 5 months, exercise 4 times per week and diminished my risk for diabetes by 75%. I now model a healthy lifestyle for my children.”
Kelly Wayco, Mother of 4, New Jersey
"At 49, my cholesterol, blood pressure and stress levels were all dangerously high. At my work wellness coaching I learned how to turn my health and stress around. I lost 50 lbs and lowered my blood pressure by 8 points.
I am in better health than I was at at 29!"
F. Ochoa, Police Officer, Circle of Life Participant New York
“At my work wellness group coaching sessions, I made breakthroughs in 3 key areas of my life. I increased my income by 20% even during an economic downturn. I turned two stressful work relationships into more energizing ones and I added daily 1 to 3 min effective Self-care practices that greatly reduce my stress. I no longer have daily stomach and headaches, I sleep better and have more energy. I’m more productive at work and am better with my family.”
Allison Keller, Bank Financial Advisor, California
“I came into this process just newly divorced, bankrupt and with breast cancer. I not only have been cancer free for many years, I have fulfilled many life dreams. I published a book, and am a national speaker. The "Circle" group was a catalyst and support for total life transformation. We witnessed and supported all the women in their life healing process.”
Beverly Kirkhart, Author of My Healing Companion & National Spokesperson for Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul, Santa Barbara, California
What Coaches Are Saying

"Part of my nursing job is managing the Wellness Center for 460 employees of a private school. I use the Circle of Life coaching in both group settings and individually. With coaching I am able partner with the client in their healing process - getting faster, more long lasting results. Combining coaching with other healing modalities provides the complete Mind-Body Wellness package!"
Theresa Dean, RN, COHN Certified Life Coach, Westminster Schools, Atlanta
"I've been doing wellness programs for educators for over 30 years. When I discovered the Circle of Life about 3 years ago, it was clear to me that it was the best structure and system for lasting personal change that I had come across. This system helped me to make significant personal changes, so I decided to see if I could pass it on to others. I have coached many groups now, that include teachers, clerical staff, and administrators. The results have been dramatic. In every group, people make significant changes in their lives. The Circle of Life System is exceptionally effective!"
Stephen Rosen, Teacher, Certified Circle of Life Coach, Salem, Oregon
"For many years I've worked as a health coach for a hospital with 12,000 employees. Since being trained in the Circle of Life Health and Wellness Coaching process, I now prefer to exclusively facilitate wellness groups using the Circle of Life coaching model. It is powerful, cost effective, people love it, and I love it too."
Elaine Gaither, RN, Circle of Life Health Coach, Indiana
"The Circle of Life assessment tools have been invaluable for me as a Health Coach in working with my health and wellness groups and individual clients over 10 years. I use it to help both of us identify what components of life are calling for more attention and to prioritize their goals. The Circle of Life’s holistic and comprehensive health and wellness coaching approach allows for a true experience of self-discovery for both the client and the coach."
Debra R. Harris, RN, BSN, Health Coach, Bend, Oregon
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Success Stories