Potential of The Circle of Life
Excerpts from The Circle of Life
Following are selections from The Circle of Life Coach Training Manual and other materials that will help you to experience the richness of information and inspiration in Circle of Life process.
From the Introduction
The Circle of Life was developed to mobilize the incredible wisdom, strength, and knowledge that reside naturally within each individual. An easy-to-use tool was needed to help make the connection between individuals and their needed resources for improvement. |
The solution that came together over time was composed of two elements:
- Personal assessment to clarify strengths and needs
- A practical step-by-step planning, action, and accountability process for making change and improvement.
The Circle of Life is designed
to be:
Highly effective
Low cost so anyone could benefit and many
could participate
Usable by people of all ages to reach
any appropriate goal or intention,
Applicable to any health issue, life problem
or work challenge
Facilitated by a trained Coach for individuals and groups
Implementable in all contexts
-- hospital, business, church, school, agency, etc.
The Circle of Life is a holistic and comprehensive healthy lifestyle coaching method for stress mastery, integrative medicine, and personal effectiveness that engages each person on all levels -- physically, emotionally, and mentally. Self-reliant and self-directed individuals, who are positive and productive, renew and enhance our families, companies, and communities for a strong, successful nation and a peaceful world.
From Chapter 1: The Revelation
One is made or unmade by oneself.
By the right choice one ascends.
As a being of power, intelligence and
love and master of one's thoughts, each
person holds the key to every situation.
James Allen from "As a Man Thinketh"
By participating in the "Circle of Life" process you will learn to access, utilize and benefit from a remarkable storehouse of knowledge, wisdom and support. These are readily available through your own personal experience, your family members, your co-workers and A revolution in human possibilities and in the potential of the individual is causing the redesign of education, health care delivery, corporate productivity and even the primary social vision in many of the nations of the world.
The Circle of Life facilitates the cultivation of personal and group improvement where ever people are inspired to reach for greater quality, vitality or creativity - in clinics, businesses, schools, religious institutions, social agencies, even whole communities.
The power of the Circle of Life is that can it can assist any individual, at any age, with any belief, in any community or part of the world, with any goal or any problem, in breakthrough process of empowerment. The "Circle" process assists people in attaining higher levels of health, vitality, productivity, peace, abundance and life fulfillment. It can launch a person from despair to clarity, from exhaustion to vitality, or from sickness to health. It helps people to catalyze and actualize positive, meaningful results in their lives.
We live in a dynamic time, there is an abundance of self-improvement information readily available: TV, video, Internet, books and classes. As well, there are countless methods and practices for maintaining and improving health and enhancing performance.
However, most people have never learned how to access and implement this incredible wealth of knowledge and wisdom. Unfortunately, it is common for us to be unaware of simple solutions that are within our reach. Most people simply do not know how easy it is to make use the information and tools for improvements that are readily available to them. An incredible detail has been overlooked, completely overlooked:
For some odd reason, rather than taking simple, small steps into toward personal improvement, we typically wait. We wait for someone else to fix the problem. We hope for medical experts to provide a miracle cure. We wait for science to have a breakthrough. We expect the boss, the supervisor or a consultant to resolve our challenges. While "waiting" we tend to continue the same thoughts, activities and self-sabotaging behaviors, which created the problem in the first place!
We spend money and valuable time waiting for outside sources to do what we most frequently could have done for ourselves. With the "Circle of Life," we can mobilize our own internal resources, bring forth problem-solving strategies, and with action and accountability we can create the victories, breakthroughs and positive outcomes that we want and need.
From Chapter 2: Fifteen Powers of the "Circle" Process
The Circle of Life is particularly profound because certain powerful features have been carefully woven into the process. Allow these "powers" to encourage and support you as you enter wholeheartedly into this life-changing process. By understanding the value and benefits that are built into the Circle of Life method, you will gain confidence in using this golden opportunity for breakthrough in your life.
If you are a coach for the "Circle" process you can rely on the powers inherent in the process. You do not have to be an expert in diet, exercise, stress mastery, communication, etc. The Circle of Life process carries participants forward. All of the wisdom and all of the practical aspects and attributes of the "Circle" itself, through ancient history and current innovation, are present in this process as well.
In creating the Circle of Life process, 15 of the most extraordinary power elements from these sources have been carefully woven together.
The Power of Electing to Improve
The Power of Self-Inquiry
The Power of Acknowledging Strengths
The Power of a "Fail Safe" System
The Power of Setting, Clarifying and Refining Goals
The Power of Acknowledging the Barriers to Progress
The Power of Affirmation
The Power of Targeted Action
The Power of Accountability
The Power of Acceptance, Grace, Gratitude and Prayer
The Power of Group Process
The Power of Testimonial
The Power of Life Long Learning and Continuous Improvement
The Power of the Self-Directed Process and Resident Wisdom
The Power of Self-Reliance
Why is it called the Circle process?
The Circle is an ancient power tool with extraordinary relevance today. Since the earliest history of human culture, the great discussions, strategies, and rituals were carried out in a circle. In both the practical and the sacred, the circle has been a primary vehicle for human interaction.
First, the circle represents the full circle of our lives; that is, our whole life and the full spectrum of our being.
Second, the circle is representative of the Circle of Life process itself, the actual self-improvement method where recurrent attention is given, cycle after cycle, to continuous personal improvement.
Third, the circle is the actual circular image, divided into 12 aspects that we use to assess ourselves. Through the self-inquiry process, all of the aspects within the circle of our lives are explored and evaluated.
Fourth, used in a group setting, the circle is the gathering of participants, the group or team that cooperates to improve and support each other. In this context the circle is the offspring of the ancient council circle or the meeting of the clan. It is also an expression of the breakthrough models for collaboration, "quality circles" that are being implemented in modern corporations.
Fifth, the circle is representative of natures recurring cycles, the days, seasons and years of our lives. It is obvious from nature that the cycles of the sun, the moon, growth, and maturity are constantly impacting to evolve and refine each of us into the unique being that we have the potential to become.
Finally, the circle is a power symbol in all original cultures representing connection with the entire natural world, the universe, the medicine wheel, the Chinese Yin/Yang symbol.
Just as the ancient cultures gathered in the circle to share insights, set intention, clarify direction and perform rituals; we now gather as support groups. The Circle of Life process intends to bring the best of what the circle has been in the past into alliance with the best of what the circle may become for use in these dynamic times.
The Circle of Life | Holistic Medicine | Holistic Healing

“It’s so simple and disarming. We achieve radical victories through small steps. Little steps really do lead to significant wellness. This process is about empowerment and accountability, where regular people hold regular people accountable for their dreams. The Circle process is a synthesis of what the world has already known . . . timeless global wisdom made accessible in a world noisy with self-help approaches.”
Ralph Pitman, Episcopal Priest, Cleveland, OH

“I came into this process just newly divorced, bankrupt and with breast cancer. I not only have been cancer free for 14 years, I have fulfilled many life dreams. I published a book, and am a national speaker. The "Circle" group was a catalyst and support for total life transformation. We witnessed and supported all the women in their life healing process.”
Beverly Kirkhart, Author of My Healing Companion & National Spokesperson for Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul, Santa Barbara, CA