Advanced Skills Training

For Coaches, Counselors & Wellness Oriented Health Professionals

With Trainers Maya Shaw Gale & Rebecca McLean  

Training starts April 30, 2009 - Thursday at 9:00 am and concludes May 3, 2009 - Sunday, at 12:30 pm. Fee includes tuition, lodging (unless Commuter), and all meals, starting with the evening meal on Wednesday, April 29.

Secure Online Registration

Register By Mail  

Questions about the Advanced Skills Training?
Listen to a 10 minute interview with the trainers, Maya Shaw Gale and Rebecca McLean.

Who Will Benefit from the Advanced Skills Training: Life and wellness coaches, Wellness Oriented Health Professionals, Social Workers, Therapists, Group Facilitators, Teachers, Youth Leaders or Any Professional who wants more skills and tools to effectively empower people in making positive change.

Expand your coaching/facilitation skills repertoire with cutting edge approaches gleaned from ancient secrets of transformation and contemporary scientific research results.
One of the best features of attending the training at the beautiful Santa Barbara Mission Renewal Center, is that it provides you with an exceptional opportunity for deepening your connection with yourself.
You will be supported by two seasoned (25 years), compassionate, successful Coaches / Trainers, Rebecca McLean and Maya Shaw Gale, along with the power and wisdom of the participants in the Circle.   Create breakthrough, balance, and deep fulfillment in any area of your life and the lives of your clients.

You will learn to apply the following skill sets for both individual and group coaching, for in person/ retreats and phone sessions:

  • Use 5 Universal Principles to develop a “partnership approach” to empowering your clients.
  • Cultivate your own Presence as a powerful transformational tool that will have a more positive impact on clients than any technique or method.
  • Assist clients in making a paradigm shift to a more Intuitive Body and Soul-Centered approach to accessing their innate intelligence and life purpose.
  • Create “laser beam” questions that take clients out of their stories and conditioning and into illuminating their authentic wisdom.
  • Help clients identify, “befriend” and transform resistance to change.
  • Acquire a set of “Mind/Body Prescriptions” Self-Care practices that support breakthroughs in meeting health and life goals.
  • Use approaches from Positive Psychology, HeartMath and Quantum Physics to help clients to build on their strengths and create change through the power of intent and magnetism rather than effort and struggle.
  • Nature's Mastery Mandala™ based on the  Medicine Wheel and Nature's own cycles of seasons and growth: From inspiration to final completion, you will explore the steps that lead to successful manifestation of dreams, goals and creative projects.  Map out your points of power  and where you tend to repeatedly meet obstacles. Using the Nature’s Mastery Mandala™, discover “nature's medicine” for living an abundantly creative life of ease, health, balance and harmony.

Medicine Wheel

The training will be at the beautiful Santa Barbara Mission Renewal Center. This allows us to provide very inexpensive lodging on the sacred grounds of the Mission. There are hotels nearby if you want more private accommodations. Generally January is about 65 degrees during the day and sunny, but we do have some rains then too!

Training Prerequisite:

You must have some type of background in coaching, counseling, healthcare profession or group facilitation. You do not have to be a certified Circle of Life Health and Wellness Coach to take part and benefit from this training.

Secure Online Registration

Register By Mail

Tuition, Lodging & Meal Plan
Early Registration (by Monday, March 30, 2009 11:55 pm PST)
Regular Registration (after March 30, 2009)
Option A- Single Lodging with Dormitory Style Bath
Option B - Shared Lodging with Dormitory Style Bath
Option C - Commuter with All Meals *
Option D - Single Lodging with Private Bath**

* Option C - Commuter price is the same whether you choose to eat your meals on campus or not.

** Option D - There are only 4 possibly 5 Single Lodging with Private Bath available. Due to Mission Renewal Center's planning requirements, please register for Option D as soon as possible.

Daily Schedule

  • Wednesday, April 29, 2009 -- Check-in after 2:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm
  • Thursday, April 30, 2009 -- 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • Friday, May 1, 2009 -- 9:00 am - 5:30pm
  • Saturday, May 2, 2009 -- 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • Sunday, May 3, 2009 -- 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your participation in the Advanced Skills Training for any reason, please contact Lisa Gray by email at and phone at (805) 617-3390 as soon as possible.

Up to six weeks* ahead of any training, tuition fees may be refunded less the $100 non-refundable deposit and the additional fees charged by Acteva to the customer to register through their service. Between four to six weeks* before said training event, tuition fees will be refunded less $200 (the $100 non-refundable deposit plus the $100 late cancellation service fee) and the additional fees charged by Acteva to the customer to register through their service.

Four weeks* prior to training, monies will be non-refundable except in the form of a tuition credit (less the $100 non-refundable deposit) to be applied to a comparable future Circle of Life Coach Training or Advanced Skills Training event. There will be no refund of unused lodging and meal plans. The customer will be responsible for payment of the following prior to four weeks before the training event to which they choose to assign their tuition-credit:

• The $100 non-refundable deposit
• Any price difference in the event that training tuition fees increase,
• Any price difference in the event the customer signs up at a different price rate (based on the various tuition discount-dates set for the training event toward which they choose to apply their tuition).

Tuition credit must be claimed within 1 year of issue date or monies will be forfeit.
* Dates vary by training, please consult your Registrar for additional detail.

For more information on registration and payment options, please contact our Registrar:

Circle of Life Health and Wellness Coaching
5276 Hollister Ave. #257
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Tel: 805-617-3390

For more information on training content or curriculum contact:

Rebecca McLean
Tel: 805-685-4670


Maya Shaw Gale
Tel: 805-857-1789

About the Trainers:


Maya Shaw Gale

Maya Shaw Gale, MA, CHT

A certified coach in both Circle of Life and Total Awareness Coaching Methods, Maya has a B.A. in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Holistic Health and Expressive Arts Therapy from Lesley College. She has taught workshops and trainings in body-centered psychotherapy, wellness coaching and body/mind healing practices across the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand since 1976.

Maya is currently a Trainer for the Circle of Life Coaching Institute, a Certified Therapist and Trainer for the Hakomi Institute of Experiential Psychotherapy and has a private coaching practice in Santa Barbara, CA. in which she integrates a mindfulness and body-centered approach with the Circle of Life Process.

For 8 years, Maya was on the adjunct faculty of Cambridge College (Boston, MA) where she trained educators and leaders in the use of presence, mindfulness and body/mind/spirit awareness practices as transformational tools.

She has also led numerous nature-based retreats and wilderness vision quests for women and family groups with a focus on reconnecting to and expressing one’s authentic inner nature. Maya is the founder of Inner Nature/Outer Nature Workshops, True Nature Retreats and is currently developing Women Out of Bounds, a cross-cultural travel and educational program to bridge indigenous and contemporary cultural values.

She is also a poet, playwright and performance artist with a passion for creating transformational and educational theater pieces.

Rebecca McLean

Rebecca McLean, Certified Health and Wellness Coach

Rebecca is the Creator and Director of Training of the Circle of Life, Mind-Body Health and Wellness Coaching System™, and the author of the Coach Training Manual and Participant Guide Book with Dr. Roger Jahnke. Rebecca co-founded Health Action Synergies in 1983, with a team of health care practitioners, consultants and trainers in integrative and complementary medicine. She is a graduate from the Institute of Life Coach Training, Certified Health and Wellness Coach and the Director of the Healer Within Foundation. Rebecca is the key trainer in the Circle of Life national coach certification program and presents at conferences throughout the U.S.

Rebecca McLean has worked in the health care industry since 1974, originally in Occupational Therapy. She developed and implemented wellness programming for schools, and corporations as well as multidisciplinary medical programming for hospitals and medical practices has worked in health and wellness coaching since 1986.

She been training coaches in the Circle of Life Coaching System since 1997 and teaches wellness coaches on how and when to implement Mind-Body Self Care Practices in coaching sessions for optimal results.

In health care Rebecca facilitated diagnostic groups including cancer, HIV/AIDS, chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes. She has facilitated numerous lifestyle coaching groups as well as supported hundreds of individuals in gaining better health, personal transformation, fulfillment and joy.

Her Circle of Life is a revelation of the power of circles, and has been implemented in hospitals, clinics, community centers, schools, churches, the Air force, YMCA, social agencies, universities, wellness programs, and even correctional facilities.

In addition to authoring the Circle of Life, Rebecca is contributing author to Wellness for Life: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Choosing and Sustaining a Happy and Healthy Lifestyle; Complementary Medicine in Clinical Practice; Optimal Digestion: New Strategies for Achieving Digestive Health; and Health on the Edge.


















Life, Health, and Wellness Coaching
Coach Training and Certification
What is Coaching?
What is Life Coaching?
What is Health Coaching?
What is Wellness Coaching?
What is Mind-Body Coaching?
Why Coaching Is Suddenly So Popular?
The Cost Effectiveness of Coaching
The Most Effective Coaching
How to Find a Coach

What Kind of Coach Shall I Become?
Why Become A Coach?
Coach Training and Certification
Coaching Calendar
Coaching Curriculum




Circle of Life Programs - 5276 Hollister Avenue Suite 257, Santa Barbara, CA 93111

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