of Life Coaching™ is ...
- A Nationally Recognized Health and Wellness Coaching System with implementation in stress management, health risk and disease management support groups, and worksite wellness programs, hospitals, EAPs, the military, social service agencies, universities, medical practices, YMCAs, parishes, spas and fitness centers, and private practices.

We Provide:
What makes the Circle of Life STAND OUT from other
Health and Wellness Coaching Programs?
8 Outstanding Features
of the Circle of Life System™
Create Successful Wellness
Coaching for Both Coach and Client!
Can be tailored to any client's/patient's needs (budget, time, location, topic) Works for EVERY kind of person.
The ONLY Comprehensive Participant Coaching Guidebook in Wellness Coaching today! People LOVE having their own guidebooks to support their success. Provides coaching clients with a comprehensive tool kit that includes "How-To" set and attain goals; a step-by step Blueprint for Success process/worksheet, Self-Care Practices and other powerful resources and processes that support successful change and lifelong, continuous improvement.
Deliverable through a full-array of formats and venues:
Group Health and Wellness Coaching (in person or by phone)
Wellness Workshops and Retreats
Individual Wellness Coaching (in person or by phone)
Coaching Combination Coaching (group and 1-to-1 sessions)
The Circle of Life Process assesses and supports change and improvement in 12 areas of one's life using the powers of Support and Accountability.
The ONLY Coach Training that includes medically researched 1-5 minute Mind-Body MAX™ Self Care practices that are proven to reduce stress, increase health, productivity and enhance well-being. Clients and coaches RAVE about how these practices give them access to their untapped powers to be healthy and successful!
Self-care is the core essence of the Circle of Life Coaching Process™.
Effective with diverse populations of people who want to regain health, prevent disease, and improve the
quality of their lives with the aid of Health and Wellness
- 15 Powers built into the Circle of Life Coaching Process™ that effectively support meeting wellness and life goals.
The Circle of Life Health & Wellness Group
Coaching System™ is successfully implemented in:
- Hospitals
- Corporations and businesses
- EAPs
- Wellness and health promotion programs
- Community service agencies
- Schools and universities
- Clinics
- Medical practice groups
- Holistic and complementary medicine programs
- Cancer centers
- Churches and temples
- Senior programs
- Justice department program
- Military
- Fitness centers & YMCA
- Conferences for numerous professions
- Spas and retreat centers
Since 1986, Health Action has been supporting many thousands of people to attain their life and health goals through health, wellness and life coaching and Mind/Body Self Care practices developed and taught by Rebecca McLean and Dr. Roger Jahnke.
"At 49, my cholesterol, blood pressure and stress levels were all dangerously high. At my work wellness coaching, I learned how to turn my health and stress around. I lost 50 pounds and lowered my blood pressure by 8 points.
I am in better health than I was at at 29!"
F. Ochoa, Police Officer, Circle of Life Participant New York

“I was depressed and overweight. With Circle of Life coaching, I assessed what drains me and what gives me energy.
By adding self-care, I have more energy, lost 40 pounds, and I now enjoy my work."
S. Beale, RN, Illinois

"For many years I've worked as a health coach for a hospital with 12,000 employees. Since being trained in the Circle of Life, I now prefer to exclusively facilitate wellness groups using the Circle of Life coaching model. It is powerful, cost effective, and people love their results.”
Elaine Gaither, RN
Circle of Life Coach
