What is Wellness Coaching?

Wellness coaching according to many experts is identical to health coaching. Others feel that wellness coaching is less medically oriented. Circle of Life believes that health and wellness coaching are reasonably similar.

Wellness coaching uses the coaching model of practical capacity building in the health care field to assist in preventing disease, healing disease, reduce disease risk and aiding in the recovery from surgery and other medical procedure. Like life coaching, health coaching is focused on making practical decisions about next steps in life and how to break goals into action steps or achieve more self-efficacy in improving well-being by changing at risk behaviors.

In the domain of wellness the Circle of Life Coaching Model is based on an approach to total life management in a holistic way, with the support of Mind-Body practices that help to empower the individuals receiving the coaching to have greater vitality and capacity to energetically seek to fulfill their intentions and goals.

Health and Wellness Coaching, along with life and executive coaching are perfect in wellness programs and in the area of work life balance and for stress reduction and disease prevention.

Health coaching is probably the most important program component in any holistic health care and medicine program or integrative medicine program as it is the key to empowering patients to take greater responsibility for the health and successes.

Added key concepts: wellness programs, chronic disease self managed care, disease prevention, stress management, health self-management, health cost reduction, employee wellness.

Life, Health, and Wellness Coaching
Coach Training and Certification
What is Coaching?
What is Life Coaching?
What is Health Coaching?
What is Wellness Coaching?
What is Mind-Body Coaching?
Why Coaching Is Suddenly So Popular?
The Cost Effectiveness of Coaching
The Most Effective Coaching
How to Find a Coach

What Kind of Coach Shall I Become?
Why Become A Coach?
Coach Training and Certification
Coaching Calendar
Coaching Curriculum




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